



China slams US role in arbitral award, calls it ''illegal, null and void''

[ 212 words|2023.7.14|英字 (English) ]

China on Thursday called on countries outside Asia to respect its ''territorial sovereignity and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea as the seventh anniversary of an international tribunal ruling saying the country's wide claims had no basis.

In a statement by its spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, China alleged that US as''the mastermind behind the South China Sea arbitration'', it ''ropes in allies to play up the issue each year on the anniversary of the illegal award to gang up against China and to exert pressure, and force China into accepting the award. ''

''The Arbitral Tribunal gravely violated UNCLOS and general international law. The award is illegal, null and void. China does not accept or recognize it, and will never accept any claim or action based on the award,'' it stressed.

The Arbitral Tribunal made the decision seven years ago at The Hague.

China said its position ''on the so-called South China Sea arbitration and the award is consistent, clear and firm.''

''China’s sovereignty and relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea were established in the long course of history, and are solidly grounded in history and the law. This shall under no circumstances be affected by any illegal award,'' the statement said. DMS