



Japan signs grant contract for the provision of an ambulance in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte

[ 208 words|2022.2.19|英字 (English) ]

On Friday, Japanese Ambassador Koshikawa Kazuhiko signed a grant contract for the project titled, “The Project for Provision of an Ambulance in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte.”

Funded under the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) scheme for fiscal Year 2022, the total grant amount is $41,242.

The project is to provide a brand-new ambulance to Padre Burgos.

Since the municipality only has one dilapidated ambulance despite approximately 270 dispatch requests a year, strengthening the municipality’s the emergency response system is urgently needed.

Through the provision of a brand-new ambulance, the project is expected to strengthen the emergency response system and improve emergency medical care services for its 11,000 residents.

The Government of Japan, as the top ODA donor for the Philippines, launched the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in the Philippines in 1989 for the purpose of reducing poverty and helping various communities engaged in grassroots activities.

As of present, 549 grassroots projects, including the one mentioned above, have been funded by GGP.

Japan believes that this project will not only strengthen the friendship between the peoples of Japan and the Philippines but also contribute to further fostering a strategic partnership between Japan and the Philippines toward the future. Japan Information and Cultural Center