



PCG apprehends Vietnamese waters off northern Luzon

[ 253 words|2019.6.4|英字 (English) ]

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) seized Vietnamese poachers off the waters of northern Luzon last Saturday.

Capt. Armando Balilo, PCG spokesman, said based on the initial report received by the PCG headquarters, a total of 10 poachers were on board two fishing vessels were apprehended during a hot pursuit operation by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) MCS 3010 vessel.

"The MCS 3010 were conducting patrol near the Island of Calayan in Cagayan around 1 am last Saturday when they saw the Vietnamese fishing boat," he said.

Balilo said when fishermen saw the approaching BFAR vessel, the fishing boat started its engine and tried to escape which resulted in a hot pursuit operation.

Balilo said the fishing boat with body number BO 96281 hit the MCS 3010 twice until it was finally seized by the Coast Guard.

"We immediately arrested the boat captain and four crew members, while the MCS 3010 sustained dent and hole because of the incident," he said.

Balilo said another Vietnamese fishing boat with body number BO 95115 with five fishermen on board also tried to escape when they were seen by the PCG around 3 am of the same day.

"The PCG again conducted a hot pursuit operation and arrested the five fishermen on board the second Vietnamese fishing boat," he said.

Balilo said according to Coast Guard Commander Alejandro Arica, the captain of MCS 3010, the fishermen and its boats were turned over to the regional BFAR office in Sta Ana, Cagayan for investigation. Robina Asido/DMS