



Duterte vows no more old PUVs plying streets by Jan. 1 next year

[ 288 words|2017.10.18|英字 (English) ]

President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday he is giving public transport groups within the year to phase out their old units because starting January 1 2018 he does not want to see those vehicles plying the streets.

In his speeches in Marawi City and in Camarines Sur, Duterte underscored the need to modernize the public utility vehicles, including jeepneys.

He said old vehicles have been releasing fumes, which could cause sickness, such as lung cancer.

Duterte also noted these jeeps could easily malfunction, such as losing control of brakes which result into accidents.

"You should understand PISTON (Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Opereytor Nationwide) either you kill me or you follow me...by January 1, if you fail to modernize your (vehicles), you get out (of the streets)," Duterte said.

PISTON spearheaded a two-day transport strike on Monday and Tuesday, prompting Malacanang to suspend classes and work in government.

Duterte said PISTON, Kilusang Mayo Uno and human rights group Karapatan "are really the legal cover of the Communist Party of the Philippines."

Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) board member Aileen Lizada, said in a text message to Daily Manila Shimbun that other public utility vehicle operators have their own phase-out plan and they are not opposing it.

Duterte noted that the plan to modernize public transport started during the time of former President Fidel Ramos and nothing happened until the administration of his predecessor, former President Benigno Aquino III due to strikes launched by transport groups.

Under his term, Duterte said he would not be cowed by transport protests He warned protesters authorities would arrest them.

"You give me now the reason to enforce the law against all...the rich and the poor," Duterte said. Celerina Monte/DMS