



Liberal Party lauds Aquino's leadership for arbitral victory vs China

[ 376 words|2021.7.12|英字 (English) ]

The opposition Liberal Party has hailed late President Benigno Aquino III's leadership for the Philippine victory in its arbitration case involving the territorial dispute with China in the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea.

The statement came as the country will mark the 5th anniversary of the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration award on the Philippines on July 12.

“In the wake of PNoy’s (Aquino) death, the Hague ruling is as much a promise as it is a reminder of what good, brave, strong governance can yield,” it said.

“As we commemorate this landmark ruling, so too do we commemorate the kind of leadership that makes victories like this possible: A leadership founded on the belief that 'The Filipino is worth fighting for', as opposed to one that cowers and yields to bullies,” it added.

Quoting the late President, LP said standing up against China is the “right thing to do”.

“To treat this ruling as merely a piece of paper is to lack the courage and resolve required of leadership,” LP said referring to President Rodrigo Duterte’s remark that the ruling was a mere scrap of paper that could be thrown into a wastebasket.

LP also said that the current administration is just treating the nation to lip service, photo ops, and the promise of jet skis instead of defending the country’s sovereign rights.

The PCA invalidated China's sovereign and historic claim over the almost entire South China Sea, including the areas within the exclusive economic zones of other countries like the Philippines.

The LP also expressed gratitude to Aquino and pledged to continue on working towards a future where leaders will exhibit the same moral strength as he did.

“We celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Hague ruling, and express our gratitude to PNoy and the rest of the patriots instrumental in this effort. We pledge continued adherence to PNoy’s values, and commit to working for a future where our leaders will exhibit the same moral strength as he did,” it said.

“In this, all Filipinos should be united - and we urge everyone to cast aside differences and remember the conviction that brings us together in times of crisis, and the common horizon that binds us as a nation,” it added. Ella Dionisio/DMS