



Andanar to opposition: Don't worry about Napoles if you have nothing to hide

[ 278 words|2018.3.19|英字 (English) ]

Malacanang said on Sunday that if the members of the opposition have nothing to hide, they should not be worried with the decision of the government placing alleged pork barrel queen Janet Lim Napoles under the witness protection program.

"You know what, if you have nothing to hide, if you are not guilty, why should you be afraid," said Presidential Communications Operations Secretary Martin Andanao in a radio interview.

He said what is important is for the truth to come out, particularly those who were allegedly involved in the multi-milion pork barrel scam.

"So whether she is the most qualified witness or the not qualified witness, for me, it is necessary that (Napoles) talks and tells all and all who have knowledge (over the scam)," Andanar said.

Some opposition lawmakers have warned that Napoles, who has been granted provisional admission to WPP, could be used against the critics of the administration.

In particular, detained Senator Leila de Lima has said that Napoles could be "weaponized for blackmail against those critical of the Duterte administration."

Andanar said he did not know what Napoles would disclose.

"But again going back to what is important, the truth is important and whether she is the least guilty or most guilty or the least credible, the most credible, what is important is for the truth to come out. Now, for those who are not involved in corruption, why should you be afraid. If you are involved in corruption, you should really be afraid," he stressed.

He said there is a process to be followed as he urged those who could be involved to be ready and get the service of a lawyer. Celerina Monte/DMS