



PNP cracks down on unauthorized protection agents

[ 287 words|2020.2.29|英字 (English) ]

The director of the Philippine National Police- Civil Security Group (PNP- CGS) on Friday ordered for a nationwide crackdown on all unauthorized protection agents, especially those who have foreign clients.

Police Major General Roberto Fajardo gave marching orders to all Regional Civil Service Unit (RCSU) chiefs to coordinate with the different territorial PNP units.

According to CSG, it received reports there are protective agents providing VIP security without license and just using permits to carry firearms outside of residence (PTCFOR) and manpower agencies.

“(It) is a grave violation of RA 5487 (Private Security Agency Law) on VIP Security,” it said.

Fajardo said he directed all RCSU chiefs to give positive result on colorum VIP security on foreigners immediately.

“There are a lot of agencies who are giving protection to VIPs, particularly foreigners. I instructed them to coordinate with CIDG (Criminal Investigation and Detection Group), HPG (Highway Patrol Group)," he said.

Last Thursday, the PNP- Anti Kidnapping Group (AKG) said some Chinese involved in illegal activities in the country are being protected by some groups.

Fajardo implemented a revamp due to reports of malpractice and over familiarity with stakeholders within the unit.

Around 52 personnel were relieved where 30 are police commissioned officers, 17 are police non-commissioned officers and five are non-uniformed personnel. They are on under floating status.

“This is to enhance CSG's frontline services due to reports of malpractices and over familiarity with stakeholders," he said.

"This is (also) to expedite transaction of registration of firearms, security guard licenses, license to operate and other permits," Fajardo added.

Fajardo warned his men that the reshuffle within the unit would continue and it will be based on their performance, reports and as long as there are complaints. Ella Dionisio/DMS