



Ano says martial law needed in Mindanao even after Marawi liberation

[ 241 words|2017.10.18|英字 (English) ]

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff General Eduardo Ano said martial law in Mindanao may be needed even after the liberation of Marawi City.

“That will depend to the president but for now our focus after Marawi is also finish the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu and Basilan and the BIFF (Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters) in Maguindanao,” he said in a radio interview Tuesday.

“So maybe we still need the special provisions of martial law so that we can meet the deadline that before this year 2017 end, the Abu Sayyaf is severely degraded and almost finish the Abu Sayyaf, BIFF and remaining Maute/ISIS,” he added.

Ano said if everything is put in place the military will recommend lifting the martial law declaration in Mindanao.

In a separate radio interview, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said assessing the situation, he may give his recommendation whether to lift or to continue implementation of martial law to the president before the end of October.

“Few weeks ago I was asked by some businessmen here in Mindanao because according to them the investors refuse to go here because of martial law although they are far from the battle area,” Lorenzana said.

“I told them that we will be conducting an assessment from now and maybe until the end of this month, and (I) might give my recommendation to the president maybe within this month, before the end of this month,” he added. Robina Asido/DMS